I hate cats

Posted by D in Rant / November 27, 2008

Happy thanksgiving everyone! How was yours ? .. good good.. Oh ? How was mine you ask? It was awful.
My aunt has 2 cats , and I have  severe cat allergies. As soon as I walked in to her house today , my eyes swelled up and my throat and  nose closed up leaving me to gasp for air, and claw my red puffy eyes out . I get  this  weird cat allergy induced  asthma pretty  bad,  and so I decided  20 minutes ago while  everyone else sat down to eat ,  it was best for me  to return home .  I am literally suffocating and my nose is a runny water faucet , not to be graphic about that  , although I’m positive a few of you weirdos are jacking off to the thought of my snot .  I even prepared myself prior to going there today, I  took 1 allegra and one claritan allergy pill  , along with 4 pumps of that astelin inhaler ( none worked ) usually the pills help take the edge off and I can breathe a little, but not this time . Damn you cat.


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Author: D

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