You could skip this one

Posted by D in Off Topic / June 17, 2011

You could skip right past this entry , unless of course you’ve got nothing more valuable to spend your time on, like masturbating to scat porn , watching grass grow , learning macrame beading , or cleaning out the litter-box – that cat’s crap runneth over .

I am in the process of changing my hair color to a vivid red violet.. a color I had and loved , back in 2008.

Currently, I am a bright true red. I’m liking it but I want it to be bold.. like unnaturally bold. Think Red , from Fraggle Rock . However , it fades like all reds tend to do

I like this ..

Thia is today , at the salon , ‘mirin myself in the bathroom mirror before getting my hair did.. no makeup , it’s just how this bitch rolls casual friday style .. Oh wait , every day is casual Friday when you work from home .

This is a finished photo from my shoot in April. Like how I planted that right here , no reason in general . ADHD , tends to do that ‘ish to you . One minute I’m like ” ohh , I love ham and cheddar hot pockets They’re so delici….. I think I should get the mail ….Puppies ?? I LOVE puppies .. how did I get outside , why am I by the mailbox , did I need something out here ? Where did my hot pocket go ? Which reminds me of this Seinfeld episode I forgot to tell you about……….”
I will post a better blog tomorrow, one that isn’t loaded with rambling nonsensical drivel about my hair .

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Previous article Getting naked for $5.99 a minute
July 15, 2011

Next article wayne strikes again
June 13, 2011


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